Exploring the lesser-known stories behind well-known lyrics, ‘What D’ya Meme?’ is like Genius but more niche (and less genius). This first instalment explores the origins of the phrase ‘Ask Carlos’ .
“Oi do your research, where’s Carlos?”
Recent Loudhouse drop ‘ASK CARLOS‘ from Big Rez and Medusa is the latest in a long string of references to the enigmatic ‘Carlos’. Also making appearances on t-shirts, fan-made film trailers, Stormzy’s ‘Bad Boys’ , and an online counselling service (which may or may not be aware of its connection); it is safe to say that Carlos is somewhat of a legend… but who exactly is he?
The phrase ‘Ask Carlos’ originates from a 2006 rooftop grime clash between Ghetts (then known as Ghetto) and Top Boy star Bashy. Halfway through the battle a fresh-faced Ghetts begins to get quite worked up: “I’m not gonna lie, I’m getting mad right now”, Ghetts interjects, before delivering the infamous line: “I was a fucking bad boy in jail. Do your research! Ask Carlos!”. Onlookers step in and prevent the confrontation from escalating, including nascent grime legend Mr. Wong, as Ghetts exits stage right screaming “ask Carlos!” on repeat. Sadly, Carlos was not available to comment on the legitimacy of Ghetts’ claims.
Check out the full confrontation below, starting at 1:04.